How to prevent injuries? – Fitlyzen

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How to prevent injuries?

  • By Fitlyzen
  • 04 July 2022

Injury prevention is a popular topic for anyone involved in sports. The main question is: how can I train harder, get better and stronger without injuring my body?

You can't perfectly prevent every type of injury, but by following the guidelines on injury prevention in this article, you will most certainly reduce injuries. Here are seven tips:

Warm Up
Every workout should begin with warming up your muscles. This prepares your body for the workout by increasing the heart rate, which will improve blood circulation. Your warm-up should consist of at least 5-10 minutes of a gentle cardio exercise that will make you start to sweat. Finish your warm-up with specific movements that mimic what the rest of your workout will require of your body, but at a lower intensity. This prepares your body for what is to come.

When your muscles are warm, they become more elastic and ready to be stretched. Static stretches where you hold each position for 30 seconds help prepare the muscles, joints and tendons for the work they will soon have to do. The better prepared the body is for the workout, the less likely it is to get injured.

Make progress in the right way: start slow. Try not to do too many exercises or movements too quickly or heavy to avoid excessive muscle soreness and strained muscles. Over time, slowly increase the amount and intensity of training. A 10% increase in intensity or strength when the exercise becomes too easy is a safe progression.

Cool down
This part of the workout is mostly forgotten. It helps bring the body, heart rate and muscles back to their resting state in a safe way. Cooling down is done by performing 5-10 minutes of gentle cardio, followed by stretching of the muscles you used during the workout. Starting the cool down process immediately after your workout helps reduce muscle soreness and aids in recovery, allowing your body to better prepare for the next workout.

Listen to your body
Do not ignore joint or muscle pain if it does not improve within 24-48 hours. These can be signs that a more serious injury is developing.
If your body hurts too much or is too tired from a previous workout, it's best to consider taking a day off or training a different muscle group to avoid injury to the muscles or joints that are hurting.

Rest and recover.
Rest is essential to prevent injury and make gains from the training program you are following. You can't get faster or stronger without giving your body time to heal and recover. In fact, muscles grow during recovery. Rest days should occur at least 1-2 times a week. You can choose to use rest days as an active recovery day, taking a gentle yoga class, for example, instead of a full rest day. Another option is to follow a split schedule where you divide your muscles into groups, and alternate these groups on consecutive training days. That way, one group always has a rest.

Follow a healthy diet
The best addition to an injury prevention plan is a healthy diet consisting of foods with adequate amounts of the macronutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. A poor diet high in processed foods and sugar will no doubt contribute to muscle weakness and decreased cardiovascular endurance. Hydration is just as important, so it is important to drink plenty of water before, during and after exercise. An easy way to gauge if you are drinking enough is to look at your urine. If it is almost white, or completely white, then you are drinking enough water. If it is yellow or even dark yellow, then your body needs more water.

By following these guidelines, you can significantly reduce the risk of injury and stay focused on your training goals. Good luck!

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